Costs Lawyer Leicester: Our Services



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The ARC Costs Team

We are a mixed team of Law Costs Draftsmen and regulated Costs Lawyers, Leicester with many years of experience. We provide a professional law cost drafting service to law firms, Solicitors, Legal Executives, fee earners and Litigants in Person all over the country through the use of our remote law costing service. Possessing in excess of 20 years’ total experience, our legal costs team are adept at costs litigation, including costs recovery, or defending any claims for costs brought against you or your client.


Costs Lawyer, Leicester

We are a mixed team of regulated Costs Lawyers and law costs draftsmen, providing a professional law costs drafting service to Solicitors, Legal Executives and Litigants in Person all over the country through the use of our remote law costing service. We possess in excess of 20 years’ total experience, therefore, our legal costs team are adept at recovering your legal costs, or defending any costs claim brought against you or your client.


What is the Difference Between a Costs Lawyer and a Costs Draftsman?

Both Costs Lawyers and Draftsmen are highly regarded legal professionals. Qualified Costs Lawyers differ from Costs Draftsmen as they are regulated by the Costs Lawyers Standards Board (CLSB). Most Costs Lawyers are also a member of the Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL).

Costs Lawyers are required to complete a substantial modular training course and follow the Costs Lawyer Code of Conduct, being required to keep up to date in the area of costs law through continued professional development. This ensures Costs Lawyers remain competent in all aspects of legal costs. All Costs Lawyers in England and Wales are also required to carry Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Costs Lawyers are regulated, like a Solicitor or member of CILEX. Under the Legal Services Act 2007, a Costs Lawyer practising certificate enables a Costs lawyer to exercise rights of audience in Court, and they are also able to conduct litigation and administer oaths in relation to costs proceedings.  As such if required, a Costs Lawyer is able to be on Court record to conduct costs proceedings on behalf of a Solicitor or Litigant in Person.


ARC Costs Lawyer, Leicester Legal Services

ARC Costs provide a range of legal costs services, carried out by a costs lawyer or law costs draftsman including:

CFAs and Retainer Inspection/Advice : We provide services from the very outset of a case. We can provide assistance and advice on legal matters, such as the drafting of a retainer, or Conditional Fee Agreement.

Drafting Costs Budgets: We regularly prepare Precedent H Costs Budgets, ensuring that all future costs are anticipated correctly and thus maximising costs recovery on a successful outcome to a claim. We can also assist in Budget negotiations and the preparation of a Precedent R, and a Precedent T.

Drafting Bills of Costs: We assist by drafting and negotiating your detailed Bill of Costs with a high degree of accuracy, with a Service Level Agreement of five working days. We also prepare costs documentation for LAA assessment, which oversees payment of public funds in legally aided cases.

Negotiating Costs: We can draft Points of Dispute and Points of Reply . We will advise on the potential risks of rejecting any offer received. We can also ensure that an advocate is made available for detailed assessment, when required.

Fixed Recoverable Costs Claims: We provide assistance in CPR 45 Fixed Costs Claims. We operate these on a no win, no fee basis and provide a 5 day turnaround on all instructions.

Why Choose ARC Costs Lawyers?

ARC Costs provide a unique digital and paperless service, with extensive experience in legal costs disputes and litigation. We are a bespoke Costs Lawyers and Draftsmen team of legal and technology experts not found elsewhere, with a high rate of client satisfaction. 

We have been successful in providing costs services to litigants in persons and those in the legal profession in all types of claims, including, Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence, Industrial DiseaseJudicial ReviewHousing Disrepair and Court of Protection costs claims. We have also been successful in recovering legal aid costs in inter-partes costs claims. 

Contact us today using the forms on our website, or the information below to find out how a law Costs Draftsman or Costs Lawyer, Manchester could assist you with any costs work. 

Should you wish to discuss your costs query with us, you may contact us on 01204 397302 or email one of the team at Alternatively, you may complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you same day.


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Contact us today for your free, no obligation quotation. Our team are on hand to help.


4 Bark Street East, Bolton, BL1 2BQ

01204 397302

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